10 Shocking Facts From The Global E-waste Monitor

It is becoming increasingly important to be conscious of how we contribute to the environment, both positively as well as negatively, with electronic waste being one of the top environmental issues in 2020.

What is E-waste?

E-waste is any material containing a power source (electronic or cable) and is defined as any waste material. These assets, such as our fridges and laptops, can be a harmful waste if they are not properly disposed of.

The annual report on E-waste’s global impact is published every year. It aims to educate the public about the problems they can tackle. We collected the 10 most shocking and interesting facts from the report that we think everyone should know.

1. In 2019, 53.6 Million Tonnes of E-waste were produced.

The world produced more E-waste in a single year than all of Kenya’s population ( 53,000,000). This waste represents an increase of nearly 2 million tonnes over the previous. It is the equivalent of 200 Eiffel towers.

2. Only 17% of Ewaste could be recycled sustainably.

Only 17% of the 53.6million tonnes of electronic waste produced in 2018 was recycled. This means that 83% of electronic waste generated in 2019 was not properly disposed of and could be thrown into landfills, where it can release harmful chemicals into the environment.

3. Landfills can cause significant harm to both children and adults.

We may not think about the future of an asset once we have disposed of it. However, electronics that are discarded into landfills can … Read More